Image credit: Jeff Sheldon

Artistic Practise

I can’t remember when the first inkling to write entered my awareness-- but I do know the instinct goes right back to childhood, to being a voiceless child, invisible and feeling in the way. From obscurity, I observed and noticed that there were two languages; the spoken word and the things that people didn’t say: the gestures, the secret looks, the family dynamics that checked the collective whole. This experience created a longing to unravel the unspoken word, to expose the things we hide from ourselves or unconsciously assimilate, and repeat.


I write to excavate and unravel our behaviours to the source experience(s). At the heart of my work is a fascination with the invisible threads that pull at us without our conscious awareness. 


I am unafraid to find a way that honours the story being told. Blurring the lines between protagonist and reader to place the reader at the core of the story unfolding. 


Forthcoming Novels

X + Y = - A young woman's relationship with a malignant narcissist and her struggle to escape. The novel looks at how we lose ourselves in relationships and how we find our way back. That sometimes love isn't love at all, it's premeditated, and toxic. 


Novels in Progress


love is more than a word -  This story explores the messages we believe about deserving love. It exposes the ways we deflect it, and the extremes we will go to, to sabotage love. It is a timely work given the increasing pressures of social media to be perfect in every given moment. And yet, how love and relationships have become more elusive than ever. 


on a plate - The story of a girl who rejects a sexualised culture in her quest to define the world on her own terms. 


Genre: Literary Fiction, Psychological, Immersive